Monday, June 1, 2009

Adding eWorld.UI (Excentrics World) Calendar Popup, TimePicker.. etc in


You might be in need of Calendar popup or Time Picker in I have being using eworld's calendar popup and time picker control since many years.. and all i can say that they are fantastic fully loaded with various features... No Need of taking a textbox and a calendar control for binding date.. and adding different validations for valid date, past and future date validation... now all that comes in one place just drag and drop one calendar popup control and it will give you access to multiple features..

Also there is no time picker control available in our toolbox.. i searched a lot over the internet and i found this one..

You can download the eworld ui toolkit from :

Toolkit is available for various .net versions whether it is 1.0, 2.0 or 3.5

Once Downloaded, unzip the rar file and install the given exe..

Also, Once done copy the eWorld.UI.dll and paste it in the bin folder of your web application and then right click the web site and add reference of that dll.

Then In the Visual Studio ->View ->Tool box -> Right Click ->Add Tab -> give Eworld Toolkit (as name) - > Right click ->choose items and browse to the eworld ui dll and once done you will see many contorls under that tab in the tool box..

I have been using


Time Picker




there are lots of other controls too which you can try at your lease..

Once done.. you can drag and drop the calendar popup on to the aspx page and you will see:

<ew:CalendarPopup ID="tb_startupdate"
runat="server" ControlDisplay="TextBoxImage" ImageUrl="~/Images/dtpicker.jpeg">